Erudito licėjaus mokinė laiko knygas ir eina į mokyklą

Open Door Event | International Baccalaureate 2021

“Erudito licėjus” invites you to join Online Open Door Event for International Baccalaureate (IB) programme on Tuesday 2 nd March, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. During this event, we will: Introduce teaching philosophy of “Erudito licėjus”, major principles of learning and future plans. Provide information about the IB programme, subjects, requirements and procedures. ...

"Erudito licėjus“ became member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania

Erudito Licėjus became member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania

"Erudito licėjus“ became member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania. „I am delighted to have joined the British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania (BCCL) and I believe that our partnership will open up new and important opportunities for mutual cooperation!“, says director of "Erudito licėjus“  Nerijus Pačėsa. Founded...

Vebinarų ciklas su „Erudito licėjaus” psichologėmis

Webinar series with the psychologyst of Erudito Licėjus

How to talk constructively and how to be heard? How to help children understand and express their emotions? Are information technologies really harmful to the well-being of our children? These and similar questions arise for many parents. Virginija Rekienė and Rūta Žiaunienė, psychologists of the “Erudito licėjus“, prepared a...

Assoc. Prof. Nerijus Pačėsa congratulates on International Education Day

Assoc. Prof. Nerijus Pačėsa congratulates on International Education Day

Modern education is based on close cooperation between the main participants in the educational process - teachers, students and their parents - and not only between these groups but also within them. Reflexive teaching, involving the use of experienced based learning, is strengthened by cooperation and positive dialogue; it...

Psichologė atkreipia dėmesį – problemų kyla, kai vaikas nevaldo emocijų. Kaip jam padėti?

Psychologist notes – problems arise when children don’t control their emotions. How to help them?

We learn of inappropriate behaviour of our children very soon when they start attending a kindergarten or school. If they are inattentive, cannot sit still during lessons and hurt others, parents are informed. However, situations where children face emotional difficulties – become red in the face or stutter when...

Kauno „Erudito licėjaus” 11-os klasės Tarpautinio Bakalaureato (IBDP) mokinio projektas „Erudito Podcast”

Kaunas Erudito Licėjus 11th grade International Baccalaureate (IBDP) student new project Erudito Podcast

Rapolas Kazakevičius, student of the 11th grade International Baccalaureate (IBDP) of Kaunas “Erudito licejus”, who is a founder and host of new project “Erudito Podcast “. A tour of Rapolas began during the first quarantine of 2020. Realizing that there is no way to connect, make friends, or get to...

Licėjaus šeštokės laimėjo pirmąją vietą Kauno miesto moksleivių verslo idėjų konkurse

Students of the lyceum won the first place in the student‘s competition of Kaunas city startup business ideas

In November and December, during the Entrepreneurship Week, three student teams of "Erudito licėjus" participated in the business idea competition "Virtual Startup Exhibition" 2020. Sixth grade team (Marija Laurinavičiūtė, Ona Šemiotaitė, Marta Narauskaitė, Jogailė Staikūnaitė and Mantė Beržinskaitė ) won the first place among students of 5-8 grades in...

Children’s emotional well-being on the Internet – psychologist’s advice for turning risks into opportunities

The internet is an integral part of children's life in the 21st century which has affected the ways children look for information, communicate, spend their free time, express themselves, play and learn. “Online risks for children’s psychological well-being are discussed more often and more widely than online opportunities; at...

Patarimai paaugliams, kaip konstruktyviai kalbėtis ir būti išgirstiems

Tips for a constructive dialogue and how to be heard

Relationships between parents and their children can be very confusing and tense. Parents often criticise their children for being “insufficient”, they don’t listen to teenagers who are trying to say that they fell pressure and anxiety about their marks, appearance and hobbies. Psychologist Rūta Žiaunienė from the Erudito Licėjus...