IB Taster Days at Erudito

IB Taster Days: valuable insights into the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and help for the successful start

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming IB Taster Sessions on June 10th and 11th, at Erudito Licėjus, Aguonų str. 26, where our IB teachers will run two 40-minute sessions designed for both internal and external students. These sessions will provide valuable insights into the International Baccalaureate...

Erudito licėjaus šeimos šventė 2024

Gratitude Day at Erudito Licėjus in Kaunas became a family day celebration: The community gathered for a common goal

After a break, a beautiful long-standing tradition returned to Kaunas – the gratitude event of Erudito Licėjus, which this year became a family celebration. During this event, we symbolically thanked the parents for being together, for their support, and for their unity. On the afternoon of June 3rd, parents,...

Dovaldė Ulčinaitė

Music Teacher Dovaldė Ulčinaitė: Creative music teaching helps children overcome inner barriers and find freedom

We met with Dovaldė Ulčinaitė, the music teacher at Erudito Licėjus, to talk about music lessons and her unique method that helps children’s creativity flourish. “Creativity is probably in my blood,” smiles Dovaldė. But the conversation inevitably turned to the psychological aspect of music and even a kind of...

Ateities inžinerija 2024

Students of Erudito Licėjus – engineers of the future: Their multifunctional glasses case recognized among the best in technology competition

At Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH), the 7th final event of the remote educational program "Engineering of the Future" gathered 250 teams (over 700 students) from 65 Lithuanian schools. The smart inventions, solutions, and products presented by young talents amazed both scientists and guests. The multifunctional glasses case...

An IB consultant from London visits Kaunas Erudito Lyceum: Impressed by the parent engagement and students’ skills

The visit of IB consultants to Erudito Licėjus is an important step towards IB PYP accreditation. In February, a consultant from Germany visited the Vilnius branch, and these days, a guest from London – International Baccalaureate consultant and head of the London Southbank International School, Mr Stuart Brain –...

MO x Erudito meno projektų pristatymas

The Third “MO x Erudito” Art Projects Presentation Impresses Art Connoisseurs: “The Works Are Very Strong”

On May 17th, on Children's Day, the final presentation of the art projects “Embodied Emotions” for grades 5-10 took place at the MO Museum. A total of 26 student groups from Vilnius and Kaunas (more than 80 students) presented the best art projects selected by juries, reflecting various emotions: drawings,...

IB Graduation 2024

The third and largest cohort of IBDP graduates has completed their educational journey at Erudito Licėjus

On May 16, at Erudito Licėjus in Vilnius, we bid farewell to the third and largest cohort of International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) graduates in the eight-year history of the lyceum – diplomas were awarded to 32 IBDP graduates from Vilnius and Kaunas. “There is a great day today. And...

Think Beyond Erudito Licėjus

We invite you to attend the International Classes Open Door event at Erudito Licėjus

One of our core values is internationalism. International classes make up more than 30 percent of our school community. We aim for this number to continue growing, so we invite you to the International Classes Open Day. We invite you to register and attend an International Classes Open Door event...

IB PYP projektų pristatymas

IB PYP Project Presentations: How Do We Develop in Our Community?

On May 3rd, at Erudito Licėjus, the fifth-grade International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) project presentations on "How do we organize ourselves?" took place. Initially seeming complex, they became yet another accomplished task. Some teachers referred to the fifth transdisciplinary IB PYP theme as "How do we organize ourselves?"...