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Dr. Nerijus Pačėsa’s greeting to Teachers

Dear Teachers,

Thinking about what a Teacher is, I reflected that first and foremost, they should be a source of wisdom. Not just a conveyor of knowledge and skills, but specifically a source of wisdom that allows the student, on the one hand, to understand that the knowledge created by humanity has value, but on the other hand, not to view it solely as the application of knowledge in a linear fashion. Education encompasses much more. If a teacher can convey this in a way that students adopt this perspective and start genuinely caring about learning, it is the best a Teacher can achieve. I wish for all of you to be those sources of wisdom. May this well never run dry.

Sincerely congratulating you on International Teachers’ Day!

Nerijus Pačėsa

Founder and Principal of “Erudito” licėjus