Erudito licėjaus direktorius doc. dr. Nerijus Pačėsa su mokytoja
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Election awards ceremony “Lithuanian teacher 2023”

Yesterday, March 1, the “Lietuvos mokytojas 2023” award ceremony for the more than a month-long the news portal election took place in the Great Hall of Vytautas Magnus University. During the event, winners were announced in as many as 8 categories. In addition, more than 560 teachers from all over Lithuania were nominated in the project, including teachers from Erudito Lyceum.

The head of Erudito Lyceum Prof. Dr. Nerijus Pačėsa, who gave an inspiring speech about education and presented the nomination of primary education teacher to the teacher of Ukmergės Dukstynos primary school Edita Komarovienė.

We are happy and proud to be a part of this project!