Erudito licėjus Kauno komanda pradinių klasių anglų kalbos mokytoja

Vitalija Kvasilienė

English Teacher

English teacher-lecturer with eleven years of experience in teaching English to different age groups; PTE exams assessor. Vitalija received her Bachelor of English Philology qualifying degree in Vytautas Magnus University and obtained her Master’s degree (cum laude) in Linguistics at Vilnius University. She also acquired her teaching certification from Vilnius Pedagogical University. As a student, in addition to delivering private tutorials in Spain, she participated in the Erasmus programmes and studied at the University of Jaén (Spain) and the University of Extremadura (Spain). Vitalija has been teaching English in American English School (AMES) in Kaunas for 10 years. She regularly attends teacher training workshops and seminars held for English teachers and does not miss the opportunity to go on educational trips to the UK each year.

Vitalija believes that the more languages a person knows, the more windows to the world for him/her open.