„Erudito licėjaus” mokytojai dalijasi ekspertine patirtimi
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Erudito Licėjus teachers shares their expertise

On April 29, 2021, the teachers of “Erudito licėjus” shared their expertise with the deputy directors for education of Klaipėda city schools. Deputy Director for Education Rokas Balčiūnas presented the philosophy of “Erudito licėjus” education, the international baccalaureate programme and its integration with the learning practices at “Erudito licėjus” from the primary classes. The head of the primary classes in Kaunas and the teacher Daiva Jankauskienė shared the lyceum practices in primary education, and the physics teacher Edita Bitvinskaitė shared the good practices in the secondary school. Together with colleagues, they discussed integral and experiential learning, student assessment in relation to student progress. Discussed the opportunities and challenges of distance learning.

We are glad that the teachers of “Erudito licėjus” are real experts in their field, share their experiences and inspire colleagues from other schools for further activities.