Erudito Licėjus’ 7th birthday – let’s help Ukraine
The history of the school began in 2016 in Kaunas, and today we are already celebrating our 7th birthday! We are happy about the growing school and its community in Kaunas and Vilnius – more than 150 teachers and more than 800 students from different countries of the world unite our community.
However, the emotions of the holiday this year, like last year, are a little different in the context of the war in Ukraine. It is difficult for each of us to be happy when we know that on the front line every day Ukrainian soldiers are fighting not only for their lives, but also for the independence of the whole country.
Therefore, this year we want to ask you to not only congratulate us in words, but also to contribute to helping Ukraine.
We want to donate an ambulance to Ukraine together with the organization Rebuild Ukraine which price is 7,000 eur. These are the ambulances used on the hottest front lines.
We invite and ask each of you to contribute!
Recipient’s name: UAB “Erudito” Licejus
Account number: LT134010051005525088
Purpose: Parama Ukrainai