IB PYP projektai_Kaip veikia pasaulis

IB PYP Project Presentations: How the World Works

On March 15th, presentations of the fourth long-term project "How the World Works" were held at Vilnius and Kaunas Erudito Licėjus within the framework of the IB PYP program for elementary school students. Over these six weeks, preschoolers and primary school students explored how humans are connected to nature, delved...

Kaip mes išreiškiame save projektų pristatymas

“How We Express Ourselves”: IB PYP Projects Reveal More Individuality

At Erudito Licėjus, we place a significant emphasis on Project Based Learning (PBL), which is the distinctive feature of our school. Every six weeks, the entire Erudito Licėjus community gathers for the presentation event of IB PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme) projects. During this event, primary school students...

The Christmas season at Erudito Licėjus kicked off with the Primary Years Programme (PYP) projects of elementary school students and a parent club meeting

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that Christmas arrived at Erudito Licėjus hand in hand with the IB PYP projects of elementary school students on the theme “Where We Are”. This is already the second six-week-long IB PYP project, culminating in a public presentation of the project to...