IB PYP projektai_Kaip veikia pasaulis

IB PYP Project Presentations: How the World Works

On March 15th, presentations of the fourth long-term project "How the World Works" were held at Vilnius and Kaunas Erudito Licėjus within the framework of the IB PYP program for elementary school students. Over these six weeks, preschoolers and primary school students explored how humans are connected to nature, delved...

Verslumo projektų pristatymas Kaune ir Vilniuje

Business projects presentation

One of the main features of Erudito Lyceum is projects. Each project integrates at least three subjects, but in all projects students are given complete freedom to study a topic that is relevant and interesting to them. Presentations of the first Business project took place today. Entrepreneurship is a creative...