Together with Children‘s Heart Association we say “Thank you”
“Erudito licejus” together with “Eureka ankstyvojo ugdymo mokykla” organised a spring Spring social iniciative for the Children‘s Heart Association.
The president of the association told primary school students that the Child Heart Association is a non-profit organization that works on a charitable basis and seeks to help children born with congenital heart defects. Thanks to “Erudito licėjus” as well as “Eureka” community during the spring social initiative week € 4,345 were collected and already distributed to the Children’s Heart Association. All the money has already reached the association and will help Roma Terese, who has a severe heart disability, to ensure the implementation of special needs, treatment and the purchase of medicines. We would like to share with you a gratitude message from Roma’s mother:
“We sincerely thank everyone for the support that will go to Roma Teresa, who is growing up with the most severe heart disability. We would like to fulfill Rome Teresa’s dream of having a therapeutic dog that she can constantly hug and love unconditionally, that would give more color to her experiences, help her endure the trials of fate that is being sent. If we will see that it is not possible to buy this special dog because of difficulties to buy it, then we will use the financial support for the special needs of Roma Teresa, treatment, psychological reconstruction, organizing productive rest and psychotherapy for her. A heartfelt thank you to those who suggested to pay attention to the Child Heart Association. Heartfelt thanks to the communities of “Erudito licėjus” and “Eureka”. Be healthy and happy!”
We are glad that the lyceum community holds one of the most important values of the school – citizenship and unanimously pursues noble goals.