Greta Lukošiūtė
Greta graduated from Mykolas Romeris University with a degree in social work and already during her studies she realised that working with children is an area where she sees her potential. In addition, she worked as a teacher in a private school in Vilnius as well as she held the position of the head of the school. During her work experience, she accumulated knowledge about comprehensive children’s education – from integrated educational activities, literature and reading, creativity education to field pedagogy, etc. She has participated in Erasmus + and NordPlus projects, during which she deepened her professional knowledge through internships in Scandinavian and British educational institutions. Greta is an active personality, so time in nature, hiking, travel – the best free time for her. At work, she tends to listen and understand and then advise and help.
Greta believes that no one was born knowing everything, so learning and improving is the goal of a lifetime.