We celebrated European language day!
Every holiday is important, so we try to celebrate every occasion at Erudito Lyceum. This time we celebrated the European Languages Day.
Context lessons at Erudito lyceum– on Monday September 26th, we celebrated the European Day of Languages. Knowing languages opens up new learning and business opportunities, helps to get to know other cultures easier, promotes mutual understanding, communication and cooperation.
Since early morning, Erudito lyceum students participated in various activities prepared by the school’s language teachers – they tested their knowledge of European languages and cultures in a language quiz and learned interesting facts. Also, prepared and made presentations in a language conference at Vytautas Magnus University, watched movie by Anė Magnusen and Pawel Debski “The Man Who Knew 75 Languages”, and the young students delighted the school community with the French song “Comment tu t’appelles?”.