Erasmus+ project „Reading with ease and fun -2“
“Erudito licėjus” teachers are thirst for knowledge and interested in innovations as well as new methods in the field of education. We are glad that our team of teachers are participating in the Erasmus+ project „Reading with ease and fun -2“ for the second year.
During the project meeting – training, which took place in Portugal, lyceum pre-school and primary school teachers Justina Pečiulaitė, Daiva Petkevičienė, Dovilė Koklevičienė and lyceum psychologist Rūta Žiaunienė participated in the methodological training “Reading and 21st century technologies”.
Teachers have increased their knowledge about one of the most common learning disabilities – dyslexia, which affects about 10-15% of people around the world. Teachers say: “Difficulties in reading do not disappear throughout life, so it is very important to recognise them in time, strengthen the student’s motivation and learn to live with it.”
Project No. 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062249